Thursday, 3 November 2011

Love Spell

Voodoo is believed to have
originated from the African
continent. This actually
means God Creator or Great
Spirit. When we talk of it we
often associate it with
human sacrifices, vampires,
dripping blood and devil
worship. This is because its
image has been greatly
distorted and misused by a
majority of people. All those
that we associate with the
practice in actual have
nothing to do with it. The
practice is believed to be a
combination of the traditions
of various African, catholic
and Native Americans. There
is no idea about how many
voodooists are there but
this tradition has been
practiced all over the world.
This tradition is to make an
individual understand the life
process and the nature of
their spirituality. Voodoo is
usually identified as a black
art however it is not a cult
or devil worship. Those who
practice this form of art are
not witchdoctors, occultists
or sorcerers. Those who
practice this art are actually
a group of people who
supports empowerment,
responsibilities etc. The
practice of this art has
nothing to do with enforcing
authority or controlling
others. This art has been put
into practice differently in
different parts of the world.
This art can be closely
identified to the practice of
researching about
remarkable historic figures
and honoring them of their
Voodoo in actual is an
ancient religion which
involves honoring the cult
of ancestors, animistic spirits
and the methods to
communicate with these
spirits. Today, this religion is
practiced worldwide and in
some places it is being
practiced with a touch of
Catholicism. One major
purpose of practicing this art
is for healing. Also, it is used
for sorting out relationship
issues with oneself. This
religion follows a very
abstract yet omnipotent and
an unidentified force. It
seeks guidance from the
In certain places like New
Orleans, about 15% of the
population practices
voodoo. The practice seems
to have been paid much
importance by most of the
people and considered it as
a vital part of their daily life.
The voodoo is helpful in the
positive search for wisdom
and ancient roots. It can be
referred to as a magical
practice that saves man from
the further estrangements in
the universe.
Voodoo love spells on the
other hand belongs to the
African Shamanism. And
since magic is considered
neutral, natural force, it
serves the purpose of both
positive and negative. It
depends on the person
practicing whether she
wants to practice it in good
or bad faith.

1 comment:

Drali Afrohealer said...

The practic of magic spells is also recorded in bible as God instructed to be practiced. look at the incident involving Moses and Phalao. That is magic and spells like black magic and voodoo spell works close to that but you must be having a high degree of believe to gain that level.