The Law of Attraction is a
biblical concept, but has
been perverted by worldly
teachings; therefore, the
church should seek
teaching on the biblical Law
of Attraction.
Now I'm sure you've heard
of the teaching known as
"The Secret." The concept
is, by using this "secret,"
which is "The Law of
Attraction," you can attract
anything you want in your
life: more money, a bigger
house, more business, the
perfect mate, literally
anything you want!
While the teachings
conveyed about the Law of
Attraction from worldly
teachers contain many
truths, they also contain
some contradictory ideas to
the Word of God. For
example, I personally
disagree with the notion that
a person can have just
anything. The reason being,
we were born with different
strengths, skills, and talents
that lend themselves to our
individual abilities to acquire
the things we desire.
God made us all unique,
with a purpose, and with a
certain mission to fulfill His
will. It isn't all about us!
Now does that mean the
Law of Attraction should be
ignored? Is it all just a
bunch of garbage for the
Christian? Absolutely not!
The Law of Attraction is a
biblical concept.
Once we understand the
proper mechanics and the
proper use of the law of
attraction and discuss it
within the church, we
should refer to it as the
"biblical law of attraction"
simply that there may be no
misunderstanding. So from
here to the end of this
article, I'll refer to it as the
"Biblical Law of Attraction."
Now, the Biblical Law of
Attraction and God's will
can, and should work
together in your life. Let me
clarify it from a biblical
perspective in the following
three points:
1. The Worldly Law of
Attraction and the Believer
in Christ
The worldly teaching of the
Law of Attraction has
brought much confusion to
the believer in Christ for
one very good reason: It
leaves out the entire
concept of God's will! If
you've been trying to use
the Biblical Law of Attraction
in the way the worldly
teachers teach it, you'll
soon find yourself feeling
far from God!
2. Why the Basic Concept of
the Law of Attraction Works
for Everyone
Like I said previously, the
Law of Attraction is a biblical
concept and a Godly
principle. It's just that the
worldly teaching of it is not
Godly. It has distorted
biblical references by
leaving Jesus out of the
equation, thereby perverting
the Word of God to suit its
own purposes.
3. The Basic Concept of the
Law of Attraction and God's
Jesus' teaching on the
Biblical Law of Attraction
deals with our beliefs,
thoughts, words and actions.
The worldly teachers of the
Law of Attraction teach that
our words and thoughts are
enough, like there's some
sort of magic in what we
request from, who they call,
the "Universe."
God is interested in our
"issues," and He wants a
relationship with us more
than anything else. He
wants our heart; therefore it
grieves Him when we chase
after selfish ambitions
instead of Him.
So, how should one use the
Biblical Law of Attraction?
The answer is, to glorify
God in his or her life. Not
merely to obtain selfish
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