Thursday, 3 November 2011

Tiwanaku Alien and the Nostradamus Prophecies

To some, a direct
connection between the sky
god of Tiwanaku, physically
present in the Andes during
early medieval times, and
some of the Nostradamus
prophecies, published in
France nearly a thousand
years later, may seem
incomprehensible, and
unprovable even if true.
However, this is not the
place to theorize about the
technological powers of a
galactic super-civilization.
This article merely concerns
evidence of the link.
Before we begin, we need
to get the timing straight.
We need to know precisely
when the sky god appeared
in Tiwanaku. In earlier
articles, I argued that the
Nazca Lines were made to
attract, entertain, and guide
the sky god of Tiwanaku, so
we should look at Nazca as
Nazca: The Nazca Lines
themselves cannot be dated
via radiocarbon analysis. In
the paper Dating the
geometric Nasca lines in the
Peruvian desert, W.J. Rink &
J. Bartoll state: “Wooden
posts at the intersections of
two different sets of lines
have given uncalibrated 14C
dates of AD 525 +/- 80 and
490 +/- 80 (Bray 1992).”
Allowing time for the trees
to grow and perhaps
existing for a while prior to
being used to stake out the
lines, it is safe to assume
that the geoglyph project
began in the late sixth
century or early seventh
century. The period AD 600
to AD 700 would be a good
guess for this project.
Tiwanaku: This city is
extremely old but
archaeologists have noted
stages of development. The
expansionist sky-god phase
is generally believed to
have begun around AD 600.
Wikipedia quotes William H.
Isbell: “Tiahuanaco
underwent a dramatic
transformation between AD
600 and 700 that
established new
monumental standards for
civic architecture and greatly
increased the resident
population.” This was their
sky god epoch.
In summary, we are looking
for the sky god to have
appeared in Tiwanaku
toward the end of the sixth
century AD. Let's now see
what the Nostradamus
prophecies have to say
about this. The following
prophecy is numbered VI-2:
In the year five hundred
eighty more and less,
One shall await a very
strange century,
In the year seven hundred
and three (skies in
Many kingdoms one to five
shall make change.
Nostradamus was certainly
courageous translating (from
sixth-century Latin ) and
publishing this prophecy
because the given dates are
centuries before his time.
No doubt, he anticipated
that his readers would
imagine an addition of one
thousand years, and indeed
they did. We merely observe
that there are seven directly
dated prophecies and all the
others contain the word
“thousand.” “Thousand” in
French is “mil,” a tiny word
that can fit in almost
So in AD 580, one awaited a
very strange century of
unusual developments in
the Andes. Note that the
given time frame, AD 580 to
AD 703, accurately covers
the building of the Nazca
Lines and the cultural boom
in Tiwanaku. Also note the
phrase “skies in testimony”
in the third line, which
alludes to something
verifiable only from the sky,
i.e. the Nazca geoglyphs.
Nonetheless, it is certain
that the cynics will continue
to insist that we need to
imagine the addition of one
thousand years, so it would
helpful it the sky god could
provide independent
support for the AD 580 date.
Let's now look at his first
prophecy, numbered
More “Macelin” than king in
Born in obscure place, by
force he shall attain the
Of loose morals, without
faith, without law, the
ground shall bleed,
His time is so near that I
The year AD 580 and
following decades seem to
have been quite uneventful
in Europe, the main
exception being the region
of Mercia in England, where
a king by the name of
Penda built up an empire by
brutally conquering
neighboring kingdoms.
Historians are unsure when
and where Penda was born
(born in obscure place), but
he is often believed to have
been born in AD 576. This
king was infamous for his
wickedness (of loose
morals) and his ruthlessness
(without law), He was a
pagan (without faith) and
one of the bloodiest
personages ever.
There was a lot of confusion
in the Latin-based languages
between the letters “l” and
“r”. For example, the city of
Algiers is spelled “Alger” in
French and “Argel” in
Spanish. In the prophecies
we find, for example,
“blanche” in one sixteenth-
century publication and
“branche” in another. It is
therefore well within the
rules to change the “l” in
the mystery word “Macelin'
to an “r”, giving us a perfect
anagram of Mercian. Thus,
the first line now reads:
More Mercian than king
“in” (not “of”) England.
Mercia, however, was a long
way from the Andes. If we
are going to believe that the
sky god of Tiwanaku
decided to embark on a
writing career, we really
need to see some stuff
about the Andes. Let's now
have a look at prophecy
number I-53:
Alas! that you shall see a
great people tormented,
And the holy law in total
By other laws all of
When of gold, of silver new
mines found.
In the seventeenth century,
a Nostradamus commentator
by the name of Theophilus
de Garencieres noted that
this prophecy applied to the
Spanish conquest of Peru
and their brutal treatment of
the Andeans. Laws known
as the “New Laws” were
notorious for their cruelty
toward the Andeans, forcing
them to hard labor in the
mines until death.
Note that this prophecy
begins with the word “Alas”,
a personal expression of
grief on the author's part,
no doubt for the misfortune
experienced by the
descendents of his Andean
This prophecy of the Andes
is only the beginning. More
than a dozen prophecies
concern historical events
related to South America,
including a couple of
sensational ones about the
Incas of Peru. The sky god
also manages to toss in
some intriguing information
about himself and his
The story of the Andes will
continue in Tiwanaku Alien
and the Nostradamus
Prophecies – Part 2. By the
time we complete this story,
it should become quite
believable that the sky god
of Tiwanaku was the original
author of some of the
Nostradamus prophecies.

Love Spell

Voodoo is believed to have
originated from the African
continent. This actually
means God Creator or Great
Spirit. When we talk of it we
often associate it with
human sacrifices, vampires,
dripping blood and devil
worship. This is because its
image has been greatly
distorted and misused by a
majority of people. All those
that we associate with the
practice in actual have
nothing to do with it. The
practice is believed to be a
combination of the traditions
of various African, catholic
and Native Americans. There
is no idea about how many
voodooists are there but
this tradition has been
practiced all over the world.
This tradition is to make an
individual understand the life
process and the nature of
their spirituality. Voodoo is
usually identified as a black
art however it is not a cult
or devil worship. Those who
practice this form of art are
not witchdoctors, occultists
or sorcerers. Those who
practice this art are actually
a group of people who
supports empowerment,
responsibilities etc. The
practice of this art has
nothing to do with enforcing
authority or controlling
others. This art has been put
into practice differently in
different parts of the world.
This art can be closely
identified to the practice of
researching about
remarkable historic figures
and honoring them of their
Voodoo in actual is an
ancient religion which
involves honoring the cult
of ancestors, animistic spirits
and the methods to
communicate with these
spirits. Today, this religion is
practiced worldwide and in
some places it is being
practiced with a touch of
Catholicism. One major
purpose of practicing this art
is for healing. Also, it is used
for sorting out relationship
issues with oneself. This
religion follows a very
abstract yet omnipotent and
an unidentified force. It
seeks guidance from the
In certain places like New
Orleans, about 15% of the
population practices
voodoo. The practice seems
to have been paid much
importance by most of the
people and considered it as
a vital part of their daily life.
The voodoo is helpful in the
positive search for wisdom
and ancient roots. It can be
referred to as a magical
practice that saves man from
the further estrangements in
the universe.
Voodoo love spells on the
other hand belongs to the
African Shamanism. And
since magic is considered
neutral, natural force, it
serves the purpose of both
positive and negative. It
depends on the person
practicing whether she
wants to practice it in good
or bad faith.

Christian Jewelry and Its Relevance Today

Christian Jewelry: A Brief
Dating back to the ancient
Greek and Roman times,
man has often worn amulets
for good luck, to ward off
evil spirits as well as to pay
homage to deity. It's no
surprise that this tradition
would be passed down in
our lives today in the form
of modern Christian jewelry.
We trace the origin of the
first Christian symbol, the
fish, back to around 54 A.D.
during the days of Christian
persecution. The fish was an
inconspicuous sign that was
easy to use as strangers
meeting would draw the first
crescent of the fish shape
and the other would
complete the symbol; thus,
showing that they were also
Christians. Today, we see a
resurgence of this figure on
bumper stickers, tee shirts
and Christian jewelry. Styles
like rings, bracelets, anklets
even toe rings and spinner
rings are all styled with the
fish. Its design is widely
popular with the younger
Around the 4th century, we
begin to see identification
with a cross as a Christian
icon. Crude crosses were
fashioned out of sticks and
leather to be worn around
the neck as early signs of
Christian jewelry made from
this image.
Today, modern Christian
jewelry offers a huge
selection to appeal to every
lifestyle. Diamond encrusted
crosses are sometimes used
as status symbols for the
wealthy as well as fashion
statements. Sometimes, a
simple silver cross pendant
can become so much more
as in the case of Gemstones
of the Holy Bible.
Christian Jewelry: A Gift for
All Time
Special gifts of Christian
jewelry are always well
received as they are
generally given by an
important family member or
friend to a child on an
important red letter day.
While trinkets and bibles are
often given as a special gift,
an engraved cross pendant
crafted from fine silver, gold
or other metal is usually the
first choice for the
youngster who is newly
confirmed or has just
received the first
communion. This type of gift
is appropriate for both girls
and boys and usually has a
lasting impression because
of the occasion in marks.
Baptism is also another
special time for giving and
receiving the gift of Christian
jewelry. People of all ages
enjoy both giving and
receiving gifts of this
magnitude as it truly is a gift
that keeps on giving. The
message for the receiver is
that the giver supports their
beliefs in the hope for a
new life.
Sometimes, Christian jewelry
is a "me gift" showing a
quiet display of ones faith.
Some choose to wear
jewels with Christian images
because they need a
reminder that there is a
better life that's everlasting.
Finally, crosses, fish,
medallions of saints and
other religious icons are self
given because they are
popular fashion statements.
You can see today's
celebrities wearing large,
showy cross pendants in
magazines giving this
symbol prominence in other
areas besides just faith.
Christian Jewelry: Notable
Throughout recorded
history, Christian jewelry has
been an important display of
mankind's strong belief in a
better life that's everlasting
in Heaven.
The Jerusalem cross
pendant said to be worn by
Godfrey de Bouillon, who
lead the Christians to victory
by capturing Jerusalem in
1099. It later became the
symbol of the Latin Kingdom
of Jerusalem, which was
established after the first
Crusade until 1291 when
the last remaining territory
of the kingdom was taken
from the Christians.
Charlemagne, the Holy
Roman Emperor, had one of
the most famous pieces of
Christian jewelry. His
notable pendant was said to
include pieces from the True
Cross and the crown of
thorns under a sapphire set
with gold. It was said that
he referred to his pendant
as "Warrior" because he
often wore it into battle.
Christian jewelry is found
today in one of the finest
collections in the world...the
Crown Jewels. The image of
the cross is found
repeatedly in royal jewelry
collections because it
symbolizes the monarchy's
power and connection with
God for over a thousand
years. Historically, the
Sovereigns who sat on the
throne believed wholly that
they are anointed by God's
own hand and are given the
divine right of kings to rule
their people.

Celebrate Easter with Joyness and Delight

Easter is the oldest and the
most significant Christian
festival, the merriment of the
death and coming to life
once more of Jesus Christ.
For Christian civilization, the
dawn of Easter Sunday with
its message of new life is
the elevated position of the
Christian year. The easter
and other related holidays
do not fall on fixed dates,
because they follow the
Jewish Lunar calendar and
not the solar Gregorian
calendar. Usually, the first
Sunday after the full moon
that falls on or immediately
after spring equinox (March
21) has fixed as Easter.
Easter, thus, is also
recognized as a portable
feast, since it can happen
on any date between March
22nd and April 25th.
Easter should be the most
explicitly joyful time of
festivity of the church year.
It has celebrated beside the
background of the shadows
and darkness of lent and
holy week. In addition to
Easter's spiritual
consequence, it also has a
profitable side, as facts by
the mounds of jelly beans
and marshmallow chicks that
appear in stores each
spring. As with Christmas,
over the centuries a range
of folk customs and pagan
traditions, including Easter
eggs, bunnies, baskets and
candy, have become a
standard part of this holy
Easter Sunday is the time of
the annual celebration of
Christ's rebirth. The aim of
the Easter dating method is
to preserve, for each easter
sunday, the same season of
the year and the same
relationship to the previous
astronomical full moon that
happened at the time of his
rebirth in 30 AD. On this
day, Church bells are rung
and churches are
ornamented with flowers
such as white lilies which
are connected with Easter.
The colors in the church
change to white or gold
which are thought to be the
best colors. On the Easter
Sunday, Easter candles also
lit in churches on the eve of
the Easter Sunday. There are
some believe that these can
be directly linked to the
pagan customs of lighting
bonfires at this time of year
to welcome the rebirth of
the sun god.
Easter has celebrated to
remember the resurrection
of Jesus Christ from his
death three days after he
was crucified and distressed
on Good Friday. It is a
holiday of Christian and falls
in springtime, marking the
end of the Lent season. The
easter day is one of the
most significant and holiest
holidays in the Christian
calendar. There are
chocolate bunnies,
magnificent marshmallow
chicks; lilies and brilliantly
colored Easter eggs closely
linked with Easter. Most of
the civilization and customs
associated with Easter have
their source in the pagan
The easter cards express
your affectionate Easter
greetings and touch hearts
of all dear ones whether
lying far or near, with the
magical words, right away.
These cards integrate
representations of
ingredients concerned in
the festivities of Easter like
colored easter egg, Easter
chocolates, Easter Bunny,
Easter baskets and many
more. Renew mood &
amusement of celebrating
the favorable occasion,
Easter by sending religious
messages, love messages,
friendly notes, and
comfortable messages for
family members and cheerful
greetings to all and
especially to whom you are
missing desperately on

Aspects Of The Mormon Religion

The Mormon religion is
similar to Christianity, but
differs from it in some
important aspects. It is
formally known as the
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints.
Fundamentalist Mormons
believe in polygamy. A
woman is currently
protesting California's laws
against polygamy, calling
them unconstitutional. She
was raised as a
fundamentalist Mormon, and
is married to a man who has
other wives, one of whom is
her biological sister. Besides
this extreme form of
Mormonism, there are
certain common beliefs held
by the believers of this faith.
It is considered a
restoration of the original
church which was
established by Jesus Christ.
The founder of this religion,
Joseph Smith, is considered
by believers to be the
prophet Christ entrusted
with this responsibility. Let's
take a look at some of the
aspects of this religion-
1. Mormonism differs in
many ways from Catholic,
Protestant, and Orthodox
Christianity. The spiritual
decay which happened to
the church originally
established by Jesus Christ
is linked to these
orthodoxies, because his
teachings were altered by
2. Mormons believe that
Jesus Christ is the only way
to salvation. They follow the
Bible, but believe that there
are errors in it. These
mistakes have been
corrected in the Book of
Mormon, the Doctrine and
Covenants, and the Pearl of
Great Price, which are their
other holy books.
3. They observe a health
code which is known as the
Word of Wisdom. Under it,
they abstain from
consuming alcohol, coffee,
tea, and tobacco.
4. Followers donate a tithe
of ten percent on their
income every year, and also
perform volunteer service in
5. Members must also set
aside one day of the week,
which is usually Monday, for
a Family Home Evening. On
this day, they study gospel
principles together as a
family. They also participate
in non-religious activities.
6. Common practices
include refraining from
working on Sunday, if
possible. Members of the
church are encouraged to
marry and have children,
resulting in large families.
7. Education is important
under this religion as a
means of growth. Believers
are encouraged to engage
in missionary work.
8. Members are encouraged
to be prepared for any
disaster, including economic
hardships. This religion does
not use the cross as a
symbol of faith.

A Guide To Mormonism Beliefs

Mormons are the fourth
largest religious
denomination in the United
States. However, there are
more Mormons outside the
United States than inside it.
Recently, the followers of
this religion were found to
number more than fourteen
million. Much of this growth
is happening from Central
and South America, Africa,
and Asia. This may be
because of the importance
attached to family life,
education, and other
aspects of the Mormon
religion. It is part of the
Latter Day Saint movement,
which was founded by
Joseph Smith, Jr., in the
1830s and 1840s.
Let's look at the main
Mormonism beliefs-
1. Mormonism refers to the
branch of the Latter Day
Saint movement which was
led by Brigham Young, after
Joseph Smith's death. It is
the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints. (LDS
Church) Faith in Jesus Christ
is the central tenet of this
2. Like Christians, believers
maintain that salvation is
only possible through Jesus
Christ. They follow the Bible,
the Book of Mormon, the
Doctrine and Covenants, as
well as the Pearl of Great
Price. Apart from the Bible,
the other texts consist of
revelation which was
dictated by Joseph Smith.
3. Under the doctrine of
revelation, followers believe
that Jesus led the church by
revealing his will to a
modern day prophet- the
President of the Church. This
was an office held by
Joseph Smith. Believers
thought that the church he
founded was a literal
restoration of primitive
4. This was necessary
because the Church as
established by the Lord had
fallen in spiritual decay.
According to Mormons, after
the death of the original
apostles, the priesthood
authority was removed from
earth. It was restored to
Joseph Smith by those who
held them anciently.
5. According to Mormon
cosmology, human spirits
were children of heavenly
parents, before their mortal
life. They also believe that
there are three degrees of
6. According to their belief
in exaltation, mankind can
return after death to live in
God's presence. They can
continue as families then,
and become gods and
goddesses. They would then
be in a position similar to
Jesus Christ.

A Brief Description of Popular Hinduism

The essence of popular
Hinduism is encapsulated in
one of the verses of Gita,
one of the most sacred
scriptures of Hinduism. The
scripture is about Krishna,
the divine personality, telling
humanity through his
disciple Arjun on what
needs to be done to win
the final salvation for the
human soul. In the verse
12.0.9 of the scripture,
Krishna tells Arjun the
following words:
“If you are unable to focus
your mind steadily on Me,
then long to attain Me by
practice of any other
spiritual discipline, such as a
ritual, or deity worship that
suits you.”(
The above words succinctly
summarize what popular
Hinduism is all about.
Worship rituals are the most
popular way of life in
Hinduism. Hinduism does
not prohibit other ways for
attaining self-realization and
salvation. If the person is
intellectual enough, he or
she can follow other modes
of enlightenment such as
meditating and fixing the
mind on the absolute; or
follow such other forms as
Karma Yoga, Gnana Yoga,
for attaining God. However,
most common people find
such methodologies of
attaining God to be beyond
them. So they follow the
simpler ritualistic
methodology for attaining
the Supreme Being.
Ritualistic worship sits at the
heart of the popular
Hinduism. Instead of sitting
motionless in front of God’s
idol for about an hour and
try to fix the mind on God, a
devotee engages himself
into various worship rituals.
Place a glass of water in
front of the idol, sanctify it
with hymns or chantings of
the names of God for a few
minutes, and then sip some
of that holy water. Place a
few flowers in front of God’s
idols or make an elaborate
decoration of the idols with
garlanded flowers. Sanctify
the idols with kunkum
powder and smear some of
that powder on one’s
forehead. Pour some oil into
a couple of lamps, light
them, and keep them in
front of the idols. On
important occasions, replace
the usage of oil with
compounds like Ghee,
which are costlier than oil.
Light a couple of incense
sticks and place them in
front of the idols. The
smoke that comes out from
these incense sticks fills up
the room with pleasant
smell. Place a couple of
fruits in front of idols,
sanctify the fruits with
hymns, and then eat some
of that fruit as a blessing
from God. These are some
of the common tasks done
by an average Hindu almost
everyday. The devout
perform these tasks twice a
day; they need to perform
these tasks only after taking
It is not that rituals are not
present in other religions,
but in Hinduism, these
rituals take on much more
elaborate proportions.
Especially, when done in
temples, these rituals are
done for hours together.
Ritualism sits at the heart of
common Hinduism, which is
why Hinduism is sometimes
termed as a way of life.
Many common Hindus are
not much aware of Vedas,
Puranas, Tantras, and such
other Hindu scriptures. What
they do have is a
knowledge of large number
of rituals performed at every
junction of one’s life, which
is what day-to-day Hinduism
is all about.

A Biblical Perspective On The Secret And The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a
biblical concept, but has
been perverted by worldly
teachings; therefore, the
church should seek
teaching on the biblical Law
of Attraction.
Now I'm sure you've heard
of the teaching known as
"The Secret." The concept
is, by using this "secret,"
which is "The Law of
Attraction," you can attract
anything you want in your
life: more money, a bigger
house, more business, the
perfect mate, literally
anything you want!
While the teachings
conveyed about the Law of
Attraction from worldly
teachers contain many
truths, they also contain
some contradictory ideas to
the Word of God. For
example, I personally
disagree with the notion that
a person can have just
anything. The reason being,
we were born with different
strengths, skills, and talents
that lend themselves to our
individual abilities to acquire
the things we desire.
God made us all unique,
with a purpose, and with a
certain mission to fulfill His
will. It isn't all about us!
Now does that mean the
Law of Attraction should be
ignored? Is it all just a
bunch of garbage for the
Christian? Absolutely not!
The Law of Attraction is a
biblical concept.
Once we understand the
proper mechanics and the
proper use of the law of
attraction and discuss it
within the church, we
should refer to it as the
"biblical law of attraction"
simply that there may be no
misunderstanding. So from
here to the end of this
article, I'll refer to it as the
"Biblical Law of Attraction."
Now, the Biblical Law of
Attraction and God's will
can, and should work
together in your life. Let me
clarify it from a biblical
perspective in the following
three points:
1. The Worldly Law of
Attraction and the Believer
in Christ
The worldly teaching of the
Law of Attraction has
brought much confusion to
the believer in Christ for
one very good reason: It
leaves out the entire
concept of God's will! If
you've been trying to use
the Biblical Law of Attraction
in the way the worldly
teachers teach it, you'll
soon find yourself feeling
far from God!
2. Why the Basic Concept of
the Law of Attraction Works
for Everyone
Like I said previously, the
Law of Attraction is a biblical
concept and a Godly
principle. It's just that the
worldly teaching of it is not
Godly. It has distorted
biblical references by
leaving Jesus out of the
equation, thereby perverting
the Word of God to suit its
own purposes.
3. The Basic Concept of the
Law of Attraction and God's
Jesus' teaching on the
Biblical Law of Attraction
deals with our beliefs,
thoughts, words and actions.
The worldly teachers of the
Law of Attraction teach that
our words and thoughts are
enough, like there's some
sort of magic in what we
request from, who they call,
the "Universe."
God is interested in our
"issues," and He wants a
relationship with us more
than anything else. He
wants our heart; therefore it
grieves Him when we chase
after selfish ambitions
instead of Him.
So, how should one use the
Biblical Law of Attraction?
The answer is, to glorify
God in his or her life. Not
merely to obtain selfish

Can an Unbeliever be A part of Your Worship Program?

As a worship leader it will
be significant that you
simply contemplate the
question of whether or not
an unbeliever might be a
part of your worship
program. I'm typically asked
this question when two
situations happen in a
church: there are few team
members obtainable for the
worship program, and the
person who just isn't a
Christian is a very proficient
individual. You probably
have a large church with
many proficient musicians
then the question could not
have an effect on you as
much, but if your team is
small and a very gifted
musician or singer is in the
wings, are you able to
willingly accept them into
your worship program with
a clear conscience?
What is the Worship
Program Really About?
When considering your
team, it's essential to cease
for a second and ask your
self what the worship
program is all about. Is it
about having an important
sound, or being professional
or rocking the
congregation’s socks off? Or
is it about leading your
church family right into a
deeper, more meaningful
relationship with the Lord?
I might counsel to you that
the worship program must
be about leading people to
God in worship. Certain, we
want to be professional and
to play and sing to a high
and exquisite standard, but I
might suggest that these are
secondary concerns in your
worship program. A worship
program is a spiritual
occasion, not a live
performance, so the
concept a non-believer can
be part of your team is
unquestionably out of phase
with the goals of your
worship program team.
Who Qualifies Somebody to
Take Half in the Worship
In groups that I've lead,
one of many core
requirements of crew
members is that they know
Jesus and have a
relationship with Him. Non-
believers can undoubtedly
play effectively, sing well,
and doubtless perform
properly, however they
haven't any idea of the very
central concept of the
worship program: nearer
communion with the Lord.
Yes, we wish it played and
sung brilliantly, however we
do not want to compromise
the spirit of our worship
program simply to sound a
bit better.
One of the first main
worship program teams I
assembled featured an
excellent drummer who was
not a Christian, but who
proved to be a demanding
and slightly aggressive team
member. We had a backup
drummer who was relegated
to percussion, and who was
just happy to be a part of
the worship program at all.
When the unbelieving
drummer didn’t trouble to
show up to observe twice
over because he mentioned
he was ok, I appointed the
Christian guy. He could not
play as properly, however
he had an amazing spirit and
understood what humility
and serving within the
worship program was all
Can the Worship Program Be
a Instrument To Reach
Team Members?
In most fashionable
churches, the pressure is on
worship leaders to sound
great and act professional
(and this implies accepting
talented people whose lives
should not proper with the
Lord) and I consider that
worship leaders have to
make a stand in their
worship program. I have
heard of non-believers
becoming Christians due to
their involvement within the
worship band, but I don't
really feel that that is the
way we should be
operating. Why not lead
them to the Lord first (when
there isn't any ego
opportunity at stake), then
introduce them to the entire
idea of worship, both
personal and corporate.
Using worship team
involvement to win a
proficient unbeliever to
Christ is a bit like marrying
an unbeliever to witness to
them and lead them to
Christ. It's across the wrong
way! It's troublesome to
seize a true spirit of worship
when the workforce to your
worship program is
unequally yoked!
So, worship leaders and
pastors, let us make a stand
for what is right and ensure
our worship crew is focused
on the true activity of
leading folks to Christ. We
must worship in Spirit and in
reality, not simply have
skilled music and
presentation. Don’t permit
your worship program to be
held to ransom by talented

Chinese astrology for Pig Year

The Pig may be the most generous and honorable Sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Pigs are nice to a fault and possess impeccable manners and taste. They are perfectionists and can be perceived them as snobs, but this is a misconception. Pigs are simply possessed of a truly luxurious nature, one that delights in finery and nice things (in surroundings, food, lovemaking and otherwise).

Prediction for Pig:

This Sign believes in the best qualities of mankind and certainly doesn't consider itself to be superior. Pigs also care a great deal about friends and family and work hard to keep everyone in their life happy. Helping others is a true pleasure for the Pig, who feels best when everyone else is smiling.

A Pig with no one around to appreciate its giving nature is a sad thing indeed. Pigs are so magnanimous they can appear almost saintly; this can lead some less-than-well-intentioned souls to stomp all over this Sign, and the bad news is, the Pig will take the blows.

Nature of Pigs and Partner for Pigs:

Pigs are highly intelligent creatures, forever studying, playing and probing in their quest for greater knowledge. They can be misinterpreted as being lazy, however, due to their love of reveling in the good stuff; this Sign could happily spend hours on end making love, napping, taking a long bubble bath or dallying over an incredible spread of rich foods. Pigs tend to make wonderful life partners due to their hearts of gold and their love of family. Even so, Pigs can be rather exclusive, choosing to spend time with those who will appreciate them most and ignore the rest of the populace. Pigs would do well to realize that there's more to life than being needed. When they open up their world to a diverse group of people, they will truly bloom.

The most compatible match for a Pig is the Rabbit or the Goat.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Indian horoscope to predict exact future

Article Summary: Indian horoscope is been in practice from many years. There are lots of experts who follow the earlier trend of horoscope to forecast the future and. Along with these they solve your problem with the help of remedial treatments.
Originally, horoscopes are the tabular form of stars and planets of zodiac which is generally based on the place and time of birth. Every person has a special horoscope therefore everyone holding different destiny and traits. Indian, Vedic, Greek, Chinese, western and others patterns are different in terms of birth chart. Hence, due to different way of preparing birth chart the prediction and interpretation are also different from each other.

The trend of Indian astrology is based on the heavenly bodies, planets and other constellation. The planet strength is determined with the help of moving constellations. The Indian astrology takes Zodiac signs as epileptic while other takes circular way. So, every twelve houses do not have 30 degree. This makes horoscopes different from each other and helps to bring accuracy. It is proved that Indian horoscope gives perfect forecasting as compare to other horoscopes pattern. The prediction which is given by Indian astrologers is factual and authentic so it is considered as reliable also.

Basically horoscopes contains a diagrammatic representation of planet's placement or also called birth chart. This birth chart helps astrologers to predict the important spheres of life such as education, career, family, jobs, marriage, ups and downs of life, health, general events, analysis of character etc. horoscope is the most pivotal division of astrology's divine science. Due to its perfect result, it is famous almost the part of Globe. Most of the Magazines, newspapers, portals and webzines give spaces for horoscope due to its increasing demand and popularity. According to the Vedic astrology, the diagrammatic representation of planet's movement at birth time of native is taken as horoscope and this representation also known as birth chart.

There are some people also who thinks that astrologically the concept and forecasting through horoscope is not correct. It is so because according to them there are only twelve Zodiac sign which represent the large number of people who resides in the earth. And astrologically it is nearly impossible to forecast accurately of all the people through just twelve signs. If we think it logically then it sounds correct also and undoubtedly there is no way to predict accurately on individual point via Zodiac signs. But if we consider the knowledge of well qualified Indian horoscope then the accurate prediction is correct.

These days various types of astrologies are presented. Some of them are based on Chinese astrology, Vedic astrology while others are based on Ramal, Tarot and other techniques of astrology. Every branch of horoscope or astrology possesses a unique feature. This is the reason how it can help you to predict the various spheres of individual's life. There are number of people who have taken the advantages of astrologer's prediction for improving their life. Youths take astrologers help for selecting the best career and for growth.

Nowadays it is easy to search any kind of information through internet. Due to this famous source number of astrologer has also mention their sites on the various search engines. So, it is not difficult to find out the best astrologers for prediction. Myastrology is also an astrology site where you will find all the solution of your questions through their experts.

Understanding Indexed Plans in the Texas Electricity Market

Article Summary: The deregulated retail electricity market in the state of Texas gave consumers the power to choose their retail electric providers. Aside from the many different reselling companies competing for consumers' attention, there are also different programs, payment schemes, and pricing consumers can select from.
The deregulated retail electricity market in the state of Texas gave consumers the power to choose their retail electric providers. Aside from the many different reselling companies competing for consumers' attention, there are also different programs, payment schemes, and pricing consumers can select from. However, many consumers are getting confused about what particular Texas electricity plans would be best for them. Some Texas electric companies market variable rate plans as the better choice while others push for indexed rate electricity plans among consumers.

Among the different electricity plans, the indexed rate plan is one that is not among the top choices among consumers, who more often than not choose either variable rate electricity plans or fixed rate electricity plans as their program of choice. Many reason out that indexed plans have a higher risk for consumers than other plans while other simply do not understand what indexed rate plans are.

The recent heat wave that placed the state into a Texas electricity emergency put indexed rate plans into the limelight, although not in a positive way, catching the attention of consumers throughout the state. The following puts indexed rate plans into perspective to give electricity users a better understanding of what these plans are and how it can affect them as consumers.

What are Indexed Rate Plans?

In its most basic sense, the price you pay with an indexed rate plan is based on a publicly available index, which in most cases is tied up with the price of natural gas in the market. Although other Texas electricity plans are also affected by natural gas market prices, the rates paid each month with an indexed rate electricity plan is based on a complex mathematical formula that the consumer and provider will agree upon.

Just like variable rate plans, indexed plans are also based from month to month. The difference is that variable electricity plans is based on the consumer market trend while indexed plan is affected by the cost of natural gas. An example of a formula used to compute the cost of an indexed rate plan is shown below which is based on the Electricity Facts label issued by TXU for their indexed plans

Price per kWh = (Monthly NYMEX Natural Gas Price multiplied by applicable Seasonal Natural

Gas Factor) + Energy Charge + Storm Recovery Charge + Storm Recovery Tax Credit + ((Base Charge + EECRF Charge + CenterPoint Advanced Meter Charge)/Monthly billed kWh Usage)

Indexed Rate Plans and the Recent Heat Wave

Consumers who sign up for an indexed rate plan is often tempted by the seemingly low rates that they get when they pay their Texas electricity bills. However, if you are not monitoring the index such as natural gas prices from where your rates are based upon, you may end up paying a higher bill should these index prices increases. Such was the case during the recent heat wave which affected the prices of natural gas - which jumped up to sixty times its standard price.

Index rate plan customers during these times found their electricity bills soaring to unbelievably high levels. The Texas electric companies who sent the bill could not be accused of extreme profiteering or taking advantage of an already desperate situation. It was just an unfortunate outcome in the struggle to keep the electricity grid running in the face of an imminent shutdown caused by the tremendous heat wave.

While it would be fair to state that the risks involved in indexed rate plans goes exponentially higher at the onslaught of natural disasters, the volatility of such plans is normally stable most of the time. The bottom line for most consumers is getting cheap electricity bills but getting a clear understanding of the Texas electricity plans like indexed rate plans available for them can help them choose what would be best for them in the long run.

About Shop Texas Electricity- Shop Texas Electricity helps consumers and businesses compare and shop for their electricity plans in Texas. Learn more about Shop Texas Electricity by visiting us at

Why Self Defence Is Yesterdays NewsWhy Self Defence Is Yesterdays News

Article Summary: The difference between self defence and self protection may appear to be subtle and may seem to some to say the same thing but they could not be more wrong. Self defence deals with active participation in a confrontational situation whereas self protection is about threat awareness and threat avoidance.
If you think that the only real difference between the two is semantics then you can be forgiven that, as at first glance that is all it appears to be.

One of the founding members of the British Combat Association, Geoff Thompson, describes in one paragraph just how the two are more than just similar meaning nouns.

Here he uses the example given by one of his female students to beautifully highlight the difference between the two.

I baby sit for a friend twice a week. In the evening I take the short cut home and walk through the local park. It always scares me but now that I have done a self defence course I feel so much safer when I take the short cut through the park. If she had been taught properly she would no longer be taking the short cut through the park.

What we have here is essentially the difference between self defence and self protection put into a nutshell, one encourages the student to continue to take risks whilst the other utilises threat awareness coupled with threat avoidance.

When a student looks to choose self protection over self defence they will realise that it is not easy to be continually aware of their circumstances but possibly one of the hardest things for them to do is to walk away from a situation.

Now it is not above the laws of improbability that I have just stated what you believe to be the glaringly obvious but it is so much harder than you may think and for very good reason and that reason is your very own ego.

This is a simple example taken from a scenario that I know I have faced and I am pretty sure everyone else who is reading this article has an unpleasant experience of from somewhere in their past.

You are sitting in a club or pub talking with some friends when you look up and you make eye contact with someone who is openly staring at you in a hostile way that you know to be an unprovoked challenge.

Would you or more importantly could you leave your drink behind and get up and go to another pub or club?

I would suggest that the majority of you reading this will be saying that in no way would you leave and asking why should I when it is not me that is looking for a fight?

That question has many possible answers but when it comes to self protection you say to yourself that no normal person actively looks to go out at night and start a fight, so what exactly am I facing when it comes to a stranger who is glaring at you?. Well you do not know but you could be looking at someone who has issues that are related to their mental disposition or even their social or domestic circumstances at that specific time and let us not forget about plain old aggressive nature.

Let us put the potential background problems that this person may have to one side and concentrate on the facts, which are; you are dealing with a stranger who is only too happy to issue an openly aggressive challenge to you in an environment that will ensure that at the very least they have been indulging in the drinking of alcohol and it is not beyond the realms of possibility, drugs. What this means to you is that you are facing someone who is looking to provoke a physical response from yourself and has had their inhibitions lowered by alcohol consumption.

Even after reading all of this and that you still feel that staying in that situation is the right thing to do, then I am afraid to say that you have failed to grasp the concept of good self protection and it is entirely possible that your ego is making your decisions and not the commonsense part of your brain.

I did mention earlier that walking away from a potentially dangerous situation was the way to go but you suddenly realise that it is so much more difficult than it first appears. As a matter of fact it is quite possibly one of the hardest things for you to do.

Unfortunately some of you may still not be convinced but be assured that the world is full of people who are carrying the physical and mental scars from situations that wish they had the courage to walk away from.

And let us not forget those who may be in court facing a serious assault charge, even though it was their honest belief that they acted in self defence and that these action were justified given the circumstances that they found themselves in at that time.

I am pretty sure that there are indeed many who have entered an alibi of self defence and have been acquitted but are you really wanting to go through the whole court process with so much uncertainty as regards the outcome weighing heavily on not only your shoulders but those of your nearest and dearest? Not only will your health suffer but also that of your family and friends.

The true art of self protection is to make yourself feel good about threat avoidance and not about obsessing over what you could have done to your would be assailant because you now have ninja skills gained from your self defence class.

This article is intended for all but it is relevant and applicable to those who work as a private investigator, an industry that benefits greatly from having the ability to read a given situation early and giving the operative every chance to avoid an embarrassing confrontation with someone that they may have under surveillance.

At least do not Disrespect your Teachers

Article Summary: This article is about teacher's respect. I feel pity when I catch a sight of current circumstances of universities because the respect of teachers seems to have abated and languishing gradually. The people who set our directions and struggle to make them achievable for our better future, why we cannot give them respect.
Today, I am despondent and awful while writing this article. I feel pity when I catch a sight of current circumstances of universities because the respect of teachers seems to have abated and languishing gradually. My teacher said after viewing the annoying behavior of class that "If you cannot respect your teacher, then at least do not disrespect". This phrase compelled me to think about respect of teachers.

The people who set our directions and struggle to make them achievable for our better future, why we cannot give them respect. The teachers who are strict to some extent, we just give them the respect that ends after leaving the classroom, but the teachers who try to teach in a friendly and mild way, we constrained him to think that "Did teaching is a sinful career?". Once my teacher was writing something on whiteboard and the class was hooting. He turned back with a smile and again turned to the whiteboard. I could not forget the twinge in his smile, which constrained me to write this article.

I think we have forgotten the rights of teachers and obligation of students. Let me repeat that:

1. Respect: The primary right of teachers is to give them respect. If we give respect to someone, we will get it back. Every religion gives a lot of respect to the teachers as a name "Spiritual Parents" is accolade to them. Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be.

2. Obedience: We should obey the teacher orders, as the teacher is always right. There is no shame in taking orders from those who themselves have learned to obey.

3. Manners: We must show manners in front of them. Good manners always appreciated as much as bad manners are despised.

4. Humility: We should show great humble attitude, as they deserve that. We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility.

5. Listen: It is also included in the rights of teachers, that student must pay attention to them. No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen.

6. Soften your voices: We should have very moderate and low intensity of voice in front of them.

7. Discuss their good deeds: A good viewpoint about teacher is also a right of teachers. We should avoid hateful communication about teachers and do not let others do this.

Alexander the Great, the King of Macedonia and conqueror of the Persian Empire has considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He died at the age of 32 after conquering half of the world once said: "I'm indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well". We always makes fun of our lives and in the end, life makes fun of us. I know some will laugh at this article, so what, I believe that many will follow. I recommend you people to search the history. The nations who do not respect their teachers could never get emanation. Hope this article will influence you people to respect your teachers.

Fight Global Warming ADGRPID:|SERVTYPE: Advice about Locating Entertainers and Performers for FunctionsAdvice about Locating Entertainers and Performers for Functions

Article Summary: Good entertainment can change a normal event into a marvelous experience. Discover the details in relation to how to get entertainers that can add enjoyment and thrills to any kind of special party.
Company or Corporate entertainment is a superb option to supply fun and energy to company functions. Offering performers for company and corporate functions can build up company spirits by making workers feel valued, which in turn can result in team bonding as well as elevated productivity in the workplace environment. Even so, various entertainers can fall flat, leaving employees feeling a lot less treasured, which happens to be why it's essential to seek the services of exclusively high quality corporate performing artists.

When you're searching for entertainment for your corporate function, you need it to be wholesome, high on entertainment value, stimulating, and affordably priced. If you're looking for a great team-building speaker you will need them to be charming and inspirational. Making the effort to save several bucks for the entertainment can many times wind up costing a whole lot more when it comes to dropped productivity along with reduced worker spirits, so for anyone who is hiring entertainers for an event, be sure to use only the highest quality entertainers.

Any company shindig might take wide-ranging forms. It may possibly be as easy as a dinner with a motivational public speaker or possibly be more complicated than you are able to anticipate. Numerous corporate celebrations include a dinner and then dancing after. You can make a decision to go with very soft background music as the attending guests are eating their meal, and then reveal an excellent entertainment band for your after-dinner dancing. Or perhaps in place of a dance you may opt to have a corporate entertainment band put on a live concert or schedule an entire show around professional dancers like Kym Johnson and Maksim Chmerkovskiy from Dancing with the Stars, or even a comical magic act, hypnotist, or some other type of entertainer.

It's normally simpler to plan a company party using a theme, which in turn is why company Halloween or Yuletide functions are quite well-liked. And yet, there doesn't have to be a holiday to include a theme. A circus theme could include corporate entertainers which include comedy stunts and juggling, stilt walkers, mystics, and even green screen professional photographers, while a Las Vegas motif can incorporate illusionists, vocalists, comics, high-flying aerialists, and many alternative types of entertainment. But irrespective of what type of corporate function you are scheduling, and irrespective of what sort of corporate entertainers you're looking to get, it's necessary to get high quality artists which will excite your crowd.

Among the best kinds of entertainment are live dance bands. And whenever you are looking at making the job as easy for yourself as possible, corporate entertainment bands will be one of the simplest. Just about all that you need is a dance floor, your seating, together with a first-rate party or dance band. Certainly, some truly delicious food is another great accessory to any sort of shindig. If you're trying to find a company event band to juice up the party, there's no greater group than Party Crashers. This popular music band gets positive reviews wherever they put on their show.

If you're more interested in putting together an after-dinner musical performance than having a dance, you've several choices open to you including award-winning and funny magician Chipper Lowell, Marc Bachrach's comedy hypnotism, Vegas singer Lani Misalucha, the world-famous Stars in Concert exhibition, country artist Chance McKinney, Vegas illusionist Mark Bennick, widely recognized Dancing with the Stars performers, and plenty of other choices. Company entertainment will be able to excite a crowd like absolutely nothing else, so take care you only book the highest quality performers.